Friday, October 26, 2007
Fring mini java per SonyEricsson!!!!!
Qualche tempo fa avevo lasciato un mio contatto al team developers di Fring nel caso venisse rilasciata una versione di Fring per il Sony Ericsson k610.
Ebbene: questa mattina mi hanno risposto e a quanto pare lo hanno fatto
Visto che il mio SE è OpLocked e non posso usare il GPRS fuori dalla Svezia non posso testare il link, quindi dovete pazientare un poco.
L'applicazione è compatibile con Sony Ericsson K530, K610, Z610, K618, W660, Z710, W710, W580, K800, K810, W850, S500, T650, K770, K790, K818, W880 e consente di fare chiamate VoIP dal cellulare attraverso java!!!!! Click Here to Read More......
Demand Paging on the new N95 8GB
Proof of demand paging on N95-2 are in the comments of early adopters: they stated that the nokia boots up in 22 seconds and is speedier then ever. Also the available memory doesn't sum up: there is more memory than there's supposed to be. It's logical that if demand paging is on the system can boot much quicker because it doesn't need to load up everything but just the needed parts of the system.
The CPU won't work at full load during the system (or applications) loading which overall means that demand paging is a battery saving feature after all!
Sum that with the bigger battery, more memory, 8GB storage and black cover and you'll understand why I decided to turn my attention on this mobile phone, soon to be released in Italy (probably by next week from TIM!) for 600€.
Here is the proof:
The shocking announcement is at time 3.20
Click Here to Read More......
Bookmarks sincronizzati con Opera mini 4 beta 3 per cell
Lo ammetto: ho avuto qualche piccola difficoltà a sincronizzare i bookmarks, ma alla fine ci sono riuscito
Il problema è che installavo la versine sbagliata di Opera
Ricapitolando, per gli utenti firefox, ecco una guida alla sincronizzazione dei segnalibri (bookmarks) del browser Opera per PC con il browser Opera mini per cellulare:
- Installare Opera 9.5 beta
- Aprite Opera 9.5
- File -> Import -> Import -> Import Netscape/Firefox bookmarks
- localizzare il file bookmarks.html che si trova in
- C:\Documents&Settings\"nomeutente"\DatiApplicazioni\Mozilla\Firefox\
- profiles\"******"\bookmarks.html
- nota: se non lo trovate potete aprire firefox e fare l'export dei bookmarks, ma prendete nota di dove lo salvate perché questo file bookmarks.html dovete localizzarlo in qualche modo
- Sotto File localizzate Syncronize Opera
- Create un account (se vi siete già registrati al portale opera va benissimo il vecchio account!)
- Una volta loggati avverrà la sincronizzazione con il server di Opera e verrete trasportati a questa pagina:
- Se vedete tutti i vostri bookmarks siete a posto sul lato PC
- Installate Opera Mini andando col browser del telefono all'indirizzo
- Selezionate l'opzione "Download operamini"
- Installate tutto
- All'avvio di Opera selezionate Syncronize (il pulsante in basso verde)
- Inserite username e pw per il portale Opera
- navigate una pagina a caso.
nota: se avete problemi con questa guida fatemelo sapere: non vorrei aver saltato qualche passaggio.
Sembra funzionare in modo fantastico. L'unica cosa che manca adesso (presente invece nella versione nativa di Opera per s60) è una funzione di ricerca dei bookmarks...
Click Here to Read More......
- Added Link support
- Added Speed Dials
- Added RSS feed support
- Added shortcut *+0 for feeds
- Added shortcuts for speed dials (*+[speed dial number])
- Added function to ask the transcoders for the title and favicon of a new bookmark or speed dial
- Stylus devices can now scroll shortcut help overlays
- Changed "Fit to width" to "Mobile view"
- Changed "Autozoom" to "Show overview"
- Low, medium and high image quality setting
- Images fit better to the screen (no panning)
- Improved BiDi support
- Page position and scaling is now preserved after reload of page
- Stylus devices without pointer motion events should be able to scroll anyway, just not in realtime
- Faked transcoding progress when using feeds
- Show numbers in ordered lists
- Improved stylesheet handling
- Focus highlight now looks inactive when loading
- New and improved server side cookie handling
Posted by skandy at Friday, October 26, 2007 0 comments
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I'm on Flickr Explore!
walking to the library in Sweden
Originally uploaded by ★skandy-pictures★
I finally made it to Flickr Explore, the most prestigious prize one could get. A friend of mine alerted me that this picture was there on 10/19/2007.
The secret?
- shoot a good picture
- no more than 5 groups at a time
- a lot of contacts with good reputation (possibly contacts which have been on Explore too)
- a smart tagging
- an entertaining text
Here is the text I wrote for the occasion:
In Sweden students go to University riding a bike or just walking. For those unfortunate without a bike (or more precisely incapable of finding a good deal in a short time) like me this implies a fair share of walking! The balance is the possibility to admire something like this, of course!
This was shot during my usual walk from my gf place to the library; the possibility to cut through forests on my way to the city centre never stops astonishing me.
Since this little peace of paradise is surrounded by palaces I cut out most of the original picture (compliments of 10MP cameras!!!) and decided to enhance the shot with HDR and Orton: they usually give fantastic results with this kind of pictures.
Posted by skandy at Wednesday, October 24, 2007 0 comments
Labels: Flickr, photography
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Nuovo sito con la lista bookmarks per cellulari
Ecco il link: --> link
Click Here to Read More......
Posted by skandy at Tuesday, October 23, 2007 0 comments
Saturday, October 20, 2007
My Firefox addons [October 2007]
Generated: Fri Oct 20 2007 10:12:21 GMT+0200
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20071008 ImageShackToolbar/4.3.5 Firefox/
Build ID: 2007100816
Enabled Extensions: [32]
- Adblock Filterset.G Updater
- Adblock Plus
- All-in-One Gestures 0.18.0
- Better Flickr 0.2.1
- British English Dictionary 1.19
- ColorfulTabs 2.0.7
- DictionarySearch 2.0.2
- Dizionario italiano 3.1
- Download Manager Tweak 0.7.2
- DownThemAll!
- Exif Viewer 1.30
- Fission 0.8.9
- Gmail Manager 0.5.3
- Google Browser Sync 1.3.20070523.0
- Google Send to Phone 0.5.20061026.0
- Greasemonkey 0.7.20070607.0
- ImageShack® Toolbar
- Java Console 6.0.01
- Locale Switcher 2.1
- Media Pirate - The video downloader 2.3
- Mobile Barcoder 0.1.2
- Mozilla Archive Format 0.6.3
- MR Tech Local Install
- PDF Download
- PopupSound 0.1.5
- Sidebar Icons 0.6
- Svensk ordlista 1.4
- Tabbrowser Preferences
- Translate
- Tweak Network 1.1.1
- VideoDownloader 1.1.1
- Yahoo! Mail Notifier
Disabled Extensions: [10]
- Adsense Notifier 0.9.4
- Fasterfox 2.0.0
- Firefox Companion for eBay 1.1
- Forecastfox 0.9.6
- FoxyProxy 2.5.3
- Gmail Skins 0.9.8
- NoScript
- Rewind/Fastforward Buttons 1.4.2007061801
- Tab Effect 1.1
- United States English Dictionary
Total Extensions: 42
Installed Themes: [6]
- AeroFox Basic 1.9.6
- Firefox (default)
- Outlook 2003 Blue 2.0.1
- Outlook 2003 Green 2.0.1
- Outlook 2003 Silver 2.0.1
- RedShift V2 0.96
Installed Plugins: (17)
- 2007 Microsoft Office system
- Adobe Acrobat
- iTunes Application Detector
- Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U1
- JoostPlugin
- Microsoft® DRM
- Microsoft® Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin
- Mozilla Default Plug-in
- QuickTime Plug-in 7.2
- RealPlayer Version Plugin
- RealPlayer(tm) G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit)
- Shockwave Flash
- Shockwave for Director
- Windows Genuine Advantage
- Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library
- Yahoo Application State Plugin
- Yahoo! activeX Plug-in Bridge
Posted by skandy at Saturday, October 20, 2007 0 comments