sk@ndy: visit my Flickr

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I'm on Flickr Explore!

walking to the library in Sweden
Originally uploaded by ★skandy-pictures★

I finally made it to Flickr Explore, the most prestigious prize one could get. A friend of mine alerted me that this picture was there on 10/19/2007.

The secret?
- shoot a good picture
- no more than 5 groups at a time
- a lot of contacts with good reputation (possibly contacts which have been on Explore too)
- a smart tagging
- an entertaining text

Here is the text I wrote for the occasion:
In Sweden students go to University riding a bike or just walking. For those unfortunate without a bike (or more precisely incapable of finding a good deal in a short time) like me this implies a fair share of walking! The balance is the possibility to admire something like this, of course!
This was shot during my usual walk from my gf place to the library; the possibility to cut through forests on my way to the city centre never stops astonishing me.

Since this little peace of paradise is surrounded by palaces I cut out most of the original picture (compliments of 10MP cameras!!!) and decided to enhance the shot with HDR and Orton: they usually give fantastic results with this kind of pictures.